Sketches on Atheism

Q: Why are you so concerned about religion? As an atheist, you don’t believe in God. So why bother concerning yourself with religion? (Part One)

Enquiries on Atheism

True, I don’t believe in the gods. There is no rational reason to. None have ever been detected and the anthropological evidence for their invention is as conspicuous as it is conclusive.  The gods are an artistic anomaly; a creative human response to natural ignorance, our first tentative attempts at science, and should be admired as the antiquated cultural treasures that they are. Religion, however, is the intellectually toxic, socially reckless, politically insidious growth that clumps around and perverts this artistic oddity… and as a Humanist whose greatest desire is to see our still juvenile species rise above cheap superstition such a parasitic tumour will naturally attract my ire.

Religion is at its core deceptive and dishonest. It claims all but can demonstrate nothing and therefore rests entirely on a cloud of supernal nonsense which it has beatified as “faith.” Faith is belief without evidence. If something can be believed…

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6 thoughts on “Q: Why are you so concerned about religion? As an atheist, you don’t believe in God. So why bother concerning yourself with religion? (Part One)

    • Isn’t this what we’re supposed to do, re-blog from Elucidations to generate traffic? Anyway, i’m going to cheat again and do a re-post as my Part 2, the one about Harvey and Elwood.

      On another matter, i found a heap of Jewish orgs to approach. Just have to button up a cover letter/email. Will send it to you via email.


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