8 thoughts on “John Zande, The Superstitious Naked Ape

  1. Pingback: Please help! – Learning from Dogs

  2. Hi John. Arrived here via Paul’s ‘Please Help!’ pingback, expecting to find more information about this book, which he clearly endorses. And yet I find nothing here but a teaser. Searching for ‘The Superstitious Naked Ape’ on that globe-spanning tax-avoiding monstrosity whose name should, ideally, not be the same as that of a rainforest (that’s being atrociously decimated as we speak), I can find two books by your good self, but not this one. Is this some cunning marketing ploy?


  3. Hi John, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about writing over email correspondence? Since late last year The Owner of All Infernal Names has influenced my writing greatly, particularly a pessimistic piece over the course of a year or so. I’m a young writer in my early twenties and I was curious about the history of your work, your literary influences, and where you perceive its impact.


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