
89 thoughts on “This is what happens…

  1. I’m sure the one in the middle is Eric Idle?

    I occasionally feel a twinge of guilt for extracting the Michael but then I remember I have to go back to my blog and effin P&W or another Silly Person is waiting there.

    My son calls them Lone Rangers.


  2. Thankfully with their hair out of sight the menfolks don’t have to walk around in a constant state of lustful arousal. That’s clearly what’s wrong with our decayed western society – too much flesh on display. Have you thought of a series on this theme? Maybe nuns and popes could be next?


    • I had a thought to do some Baptist clothing side-by-side, but it went astray somewhere.

      It doesn’t speak too highly of these menfolk if they can’t control themselves. We give dogs a pass for humping everything, but they’re dogs. These men are literally admitting they’re no more in control of their faculties than animals.


  3. I don’t know, I’ve known a lot of men like that. Good sharp kick in pods is always a good one, then run away really quickly, just like in a game of knock-down-ginger (do you Aussies have that game, or do you call it something different. I know Ark’ll know what I’m getting at…possibly)


      • Lol, I don’t know… 🙂
        If the objective is to knock on some-one’s door (usually some-one you don’t like along your street) and run away really fast so as not to get caught, then yes it is


      • Nope, nothing like it. Two lines of kids facing each other, 25 meters apart, one is called out (red rover, red rover we call X over) and he or she has to bolt into the opposing mob in an attempt to get to the other side with their life intact. It was a lot of fun.


      • Oh yeah I remember that, we had a different name for that one, can’t remember what it is now…

        Here I thought you might like this, in keeping with your theme today, it’s called “Kick the habit” 🙂 hehe


      • I meant with your post and the lady’s in your pic and their burqas…. habit… get it? I couldn’t find a song called ‘kick the burqa’! 😀


      • Oh, aren’t you clever! Habit… i didn’t pick up on that. I’m getting worryingly slow this winter. Might have to start writing my name and address on the inside of my eyelids.


  4. Consider reading up on why Mohammed had his wives begin wearing coverings. It might surprise you. Also consider that for some women, modesty comes from self-confidence far more that walking around half naked does for others. Climate plays a role as well, and some of these women wear designer things underneath and at home. I’m not denying religion and dress are used to repress women, but I think it’s important to consider the whole picture rather than further “repress” by putting down people you probably don’t know. Understand that my hackles go up when I see people put down–it seems like more of the same. Nothing personal.


    • I’d ordinarily agree with your broader point, except my attention here was in theocratic states where the burka is mandatory… no exceptions. Don’t try and defend that. It’s sick.


    • The tradition goes back further than Mo, and had zip to do with religion, and was never ‘imposed’.
      Religion screws everything up. It is just its nature.

      Anyhow…if women wear it (for whatever reason) why don’t men?

      Furthermore, as for considering the climate…oh, dear oh dear….it’s worn in Northern climes too, so I hardly think sunburn in good old England is exactly something the average, Camel Riding, Sheilk of Birmingham has to worry about too much, do you?


      • And you also don’t reply to how your excuses apply to why men don’t wear such things like burquas for the “climate”, and “modesty”.

        To advocate for any belief without thought or condition means you advocate for many awful things.


      • My, how “clever”. Alas, Miss K, there is nothing from you that explains why men don’t where exactly what women are forced too. Men do not cover their faces in those places where women must wear the burqua. Per your claims, they should since that’s the excuse you gave for why women wear them.

        And I do enjoy watching someone use plenty of stereotypes and try to claim someone stupid, complete with silly emoticon. Smiling about that is interesting.

        You claim you advocate for anyone doing what they want “advocate for them no matter their beliefs and ignorance”. And that means you ignore the rights of some in favor of others. You want to claim that it’s okay for ignorant men to force women to wear tents and ignore that women have rights too. As John has said, we know that many people have no choice, and it seems that you don’t care as long as you can claim how tolerant you are.


      • Advocating for people means advocating for their equality rights and freedoms. Tolerating the use of symbols of oppression under the guise of freedom undermines this value directly. Until ‘progressives’ understand that tolerating incompatible values to equality rights and freedoms is very much a part of the problem, I’m afraid they do not aid advocating for people but work against them.


  5. It’s true, it may be the case that the superstitious boys may choose what these women wear in the eyes of men, but it’s most certainly the women who decide what to wear beneath and many of them look like a million dollars, for their eyes only.


  6. There’s something awesome about that bunch of guys in drag … either that or the outfit works too well. Is it that Islamic guys lack self-confidence?

    What was that cartoon posted earlier?: “Number One! I said Smile, dammit!”


      • Indeed. If anything, Texas might be considered evidence of what happens when certain “conservative radicals” try to push things too far, if these “conservative radicals” happened to live in an evidence-based reality 😉


  7. Haha I needed this! Except of course for the obvious horrid connotations of such barbarism. I like the joke about the Habit though (nice one Ish!) 🙂


      • Ha, she does seem to play barb-ball rather than hard-ball, snags you when you least expect it (no offence Ish – eek!) 😉


      • Meerkat John? [Check!]
        That’s another one to add the list. I’m going to send you a composite picture of all the personalities (and critters) that I’ve been compared to lately. It’ll be truly scary!
        You know Mr.S.N.Ape this is how myths about demons get started. Enough to put the BL Zeebub in your bacony, lettucey, tomatoey – hold the regular mayo and replace it with hot and smokey chipotle mayo – breakfast sandwich!

        As for you Mr. Spear-King, or can I call you ‘The’? That’s just a low blow. I might have thought being that you are a fellow Londoner that you may have shown me a little solidarity here (actually no I didn’t really, Londoner and loyalty are not generally synonymous – LOL). Barb-ball indeed….


      • *Ish: Bulldog luv….

        The game you were referring to John, Red Rover, it’s known as Bulldog here in Londonville.


      • Bloody vicious too! I remember it eventually got banned from the school playground because of the amount of injuries it caused. It just gave the usual suspects the excuse to kick the crap out of anybody and everybody. You’d always end up on the ground, rugby tackled by some big lunk as you made your mad dash to the other side. Mental game!


      • Hiya mate, sorry to be a pest, but I’ve just tried to leave a comment on your latest thread but nothing has come up. I seem to be ending up in people’s spam folder, would you mind checking to see if I’m there? If not then WP must be glitching. Cheers!


    • I’ve been following these attacks and they’ve left me shaking my head. What is wrong with these men? Are we dealing here with a cultural malfunction, or is it even deeper than that?


    • Not wishing to butt into your discussion here, but I personally believe it isn’t a fear of women, rather a blatant disregard of women that is very culturally ingrained, running very deep into centuries of history. It’s what people are used to, so in that regards the status quo is perpetuated by both parties.


      • Butt in all you like!

        It’s a fair point. Boys do not grow up to be assholes in isolation; the behaviour is learnt and given its so antithetical has to be re-confirmed… and that means mothers are playing their role. Brazilian men have this problem. They are mothered to degrees that are ridiculous, and this leaves them as half-men in adulthood.


      • I think that’s it, it’s impossible to point a finger at anyone in any scenario where the cultural norms dictate people’s positions and their predilections. Everyone is responsible to some degree or another, even if it’s just through their inability to act.


    • In my opinion, yes. They fear rejection, and to redress the perceived imbalance they use their physical (and culturally sanctioned) advantage to dominate women. These are immature, spoiled boys masquerading as men… and more often than not, using religion to cancel out their personal inadequacies.


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