Sketches on Atheism

The magnificent ruiner of the gods

(I rediscovered this post and think it needs a rerun to highlight the beauty, power and necessity of secular pursuits) 

StardustSpacecraftA statue to this frighteningly gorgeous 1.7 meter tall piece of manmade machinery should stand in every town square across the planet. The landing spot of its sample return capsule in Utah should be a temporal shrine where families visit and awe at celestial maps detailing its seven year journey through the solar system. Its name, Stardust, should be a synonym for all that is good. Tattoo artists should know its intricate design from every angle by heart. A 1/10th scale model should hang from classroom rafters from Maxfort School in New Delhi to Clifton Hall in Edinburgh, daring pupils from  Invercargill to Reykjavik to dream large. All this, and more, should be done because this glorious champion killed every god ever dreamt up by us superstitious naked apes… and it did it without ever saying a word.

While 19 lunatics screamed Allah Akbar and buildings erupted in flame this extraordinary package of space-going kickass quietly went about its secular business and blew past asteroid 5535 (Annefrank). While George W. Bush dreamed of Gog and Magog and the start of a new Crusade this implausibly stunning piece of handcrafted wonder radioed back to a shrinking blue dot that it was on its way to Jupiter. While fundamentalists gathered and the world spiraled into yet another absurd Yahwehist bloodbath this 300 kilogram parcel of consummate awesomeness slipped into the coma of comet 81P/Wild (Wild-2) and unfurled its tennis racket sized aerogel Sample Collection plate. And while the bodies of 362 religious pilgrims killed in a stampede on the last day of the Hajj were still being collected the return capsule of this formidable beauty touched down in western Utah with news that while it was away it’d put a bullet quietly between the eyes of any self-indulgent assumption that life on earth was the express product of some self-aware artist.

81P/Wild (Wild-2)

81P/Wild (Wild-2)

Captured in its gel were organic compounds from the simplest amino acid, glycine, to more complex aliphatic hydrocarbons, methylamine and ethylamine. 4.5 billion years old, the age of the earth give or take, comet Wild-2 was proof giant seeds pregnant with the organic building blocks of life were hurtling through space; dormant for now, but full of potential should they just find the right conditions. Fifty-three years earlier Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey might have proven amino acids could be cooked up in a lab on earth, but it was Stardust that showed us all that life, like a weed, is pounding at the door wherever we look. What wasn’t anywhere to be found behind that door was, once again, a god.

Now tell me, when was the last time your local church captured comet dust out past Jupiter and brought it home?


100 thoughts on “The magnificent ruiner of the gods

    • The Stardust mission spacecraft is as awesome as you say, developed and built by Lockheed Martin in the good ole USA. Total Costs: Primary mission: $128.4 million, spacecraft development; $37.2 million, mission operations; total $165.6 million (not including launch vehicle). Mission of Opportunity: $29 million

      Perhaps you want to make a donation to NASA?

      Glycine is an amino acid used by living organisms to make proteins BUT life uses 20 different amino acids in a huge variety of arrangements to build millions of different proteins. So, finding one amino acid in a comet is hardly proof life here started by comet dust entering our atmosphere.

      You mention G. Bush, former president of the good ole USA. How easy we all forget when life is good and the tomatoes out back are ripening nicely. But some can’t forget, they bear the scars and missing body parts…Saddam’s jailers were meticulous record-keepers. They pinned photographs inside the documents showing how the prisoner was bearing up to various stages of torture. They finished with pictures of the battered and bloodied body after execution.

      We’ve seen this before. Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR, North Korea, Cuba,Africa, and more. It’s happened before, it’s happening now. Are we shocked and horrified. Yes, but most people don’t want to be bothered, after all it isn’t happening to me, right?

      News archives, 2004-07-24 22:04

      Baghdad – Tools of torture that Saddam Hussein’s slain son, Uday, used to punish underperforming Iraqi athletes were displayed for the media Saturday at a Baghdad sports stadium in advance of the Olympic Games next month.

      Journalists were shown medieval-style torture equipment, including an “iron maiden-like” casket with metal spikes fixed to the inside that athletes had been forced into, and chain whips with steel barbs the size of tennis balls attached to the end.

      Invading Iraq to put down a ruthless dictator and his evil minions was probably not a good idea since a small handful of nations can not fix this broken world.


      • Did I say life was seeded on earth? It could have been, but the statement was the organic building blocks for life are found on earth as well as in space, meaning they’re not unique. That said:

        “Researchers have discovered prebiotic (pre-life) molecules in interstellar space that may have formed on dusty ice grains floating between the stars. One of the newly-discovered molecules, called E-cyanomethanimine (E-HNCHCN) is one step in the process that chemists believe produces adenine, one of the four nucleobases that form the “rungs” in the ladder-like structure of DNA. The other molecule, called ethanamine, is thought to play a role in forming alanine, one of the twenty amino acids in the genetic code. “Finding these molecules in an interstellar gas cloud means that important building blocks for DNA and amino acids can ‘seed’ newly-formed planets with the chemical precursors for life,” said Anthony Remijan, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).
        The newly-discovered interstellar molecules are intermediate stages in multi-step chemical processes leading to the final biological molecule. Details of the processes remain unclear, but the discoveries give new insight on where these processes occur.”


      • And all of this has what to do with George W. Bush and the invasion of Iraq to free the Iraqi people and the world of a horrible dictator? Granted I’m not that bright anymore because I bang my head on anvils while reading and rereading Genesis, but WTF did this dude’s comment have to do with THIS article?


      • Yeah, i was going to turn my ship around and let fly with a full and merciless broadside, then figured there was no point. Anyone who defends Bush and his delusional dreams of Gog and Magog has problems that cannot be addressed in a simple comments thread.


      • Building blocks are useless without some type of instructional architectural plan, right? The DNA code can’t write itself. Stipulate that we can, with enough time, find every building block necessary scattered around the Universe. What good will it do you with out a complete and fully functioning mechanism that tells all your ‘life building blocks’ what to do and when to do it.

        I want to check out the web site you linked to but right now I have to leave. Please allow me to look at that and respond later tonight.
        I’m just trying to bring your focus into the modern age, and give you a perspective that will move humanity forward. Throughout history the proliferation of intolerance and hate for different beliefs and customs nearly destroyed us.

        John brought G. Bush and his ‘crusade” into his post, not me.

        inspiredbythedivine1 writes, “…but WTF did this dude’s comment have to do with THIS article?” Did you read the post Inspired?

        Start at the second sentence of the second paragraph.


      • Foolish me. Must be me banging my head onto that anvil and all this backward momentum for society’s lack of forward movement. You do know don’t you, that your beliefs are wrong? Satan, my friend, has ruined you. And besides, everyone knows that George W. Bush was an engine of violent evil. Is that you in your avatar pic, BTW? If so, I think you’re simply ADORABLE. The glasses! Cute! My avatar is a life-like rendering of me. Whadda ya think, a bright little cutie like you, and a crotchety old fart like me, would we have a chance in this world? I hope so sweetie. The LOVE I get from you. WOW! If I didn’t know you were damned to hell for your beliefs I’d.. wait. Hold on. OK. I was just thinking inappropriate thoughts about you, me, and George W. Di you you get that sweetie? Love. That’s what you have that backward idiots don’t. Naw. You’re just getting by on your looks and kindness. You’ve melted my heart lover. WTF, did this have to do with anything?!


      • I feel the biggest divide between Christians and atheists is not their views about God’s existence, but their beliefs about His character.

        Your comments towards me, and others that have a different world view, show your character. Character can be defined as “the excellence of moral beings.” As the excellence of gold is its purity and the excellence of art is its beauty, so the excellence of man is his character. A lack of character is moral deficiency, and persons lacking character tend to behave dishonestly, unethically, and are rude, vile and uncharitably.

        Some of Gods character traits are justice, goodness, and holiness.

        Some characteristics of Satan is that he despises truth, plans to steal, kill and destroy, and twists Scriptures.


        I’m not defending Bush by highlighting 2 or 3 of the hundred atrocities done in Iraq and Afghanistan to innocent civilians, or even threats of their using WMD. I already said a small handful of Countries can not defeat the evil in the world and I think it was a bad idea invading those Countries. We didn’t get into WW II until the Japanese bombed us first. The 911 terrorist where mostly from Saudi Arabia. We would have been better off spending all that cash on our energy dependence efforts and homeland security. Why cast pearls at the feet of swine. Look what’s happening in Russia, Egypt, England and Italy, to just name a few. If you think you are safe from the Jihad you are living in never-never land my friends. I hope your countries are spending big on homeland security just like we are.

        The irony is that the USA gives billions and billions in economic aid every year to countries all over the world and exports millions of metric tons of food, yet how are we viewed? Read this:


      • “A lack of character is moral deficiency, and persons lacking character tend to behave dishonestly, unethically, …”

        So bobby tell us. Is it a sign of good character to rob other people’s words and pass them off as your own?

        From where I come from it’s called plagiarism and it’s dishonest and unethical.


      • I believe all scripture, from Buddhism to Judaism to Christianity, and many others, say AWAKE! and remember who you already are. There is nothing you need to do to BECOME worthy of what has already been planted inside your heart. Yet worry and woe can cause life to become the “land of Egypt” where we eat daily the bread of affliction, suffering and slavery.

        I lean to Christianity, specifically Christ Messiah.


      • “I believe all scripture, from Buddhism to Judaism to Christianity, and many others, say AWAKE! and remember who you already are. There is nothing you need to do to BECOME worthy of what has already been planted inside your heart. Yet worry and woe can cause life to become the “land of Egypt” where we eat daily the bread of affliction, suffering and slavery.”

        Again bobbie? Isn’t this word for word out of Religious Essays by David E. Teubner? Essay Two. Allegory in the Bible (p.20) Did he give you permission to quote him?


      • Hello Larry,

        Sorry about that. I was searching for quotes about character and found that gem. I meant to credit A.W. Tozer but it accidentally got deleted during editing.

        Something else I found that got edited out of the original post, just trying to keep it short…

        “A person’s character is the sum of his or her disposition, thoughts, intentions, desires, words and actions. It is good to remember that character is gauged by general tendencies, not on the basis of a few isolated actions. We must look at the whole life.” Do Feelgood


      • Yes. It’s from “Who Told You That You Were Naked?”

        Copyright – International Bible Society. And used by permission.

        What else. I got a lot of stats about the Stardust spacecraft, USA economic donations and food exports and many other things I’ve written so far. Do I need to
        post all those links too?


      • “What else. I got a lot of stats about the Stardust spacecraft, USA economic donations and food exports and many other things I’ve written so far. Do I need to
        post all those links too?”

        Yes bobbie, that’s the way it works. Otherwise you’re pretending to be someone you’re not even if you agree with what’s written. The correct and honest thing to do is let someone know that you are quoting a source so you don’t leave them with the impression that the words are yours originally.

        People appreciate quotes to support their own works but when all you use are other people’s words, then you come across as lacking any real insight of your own. Kind of like a mimic.


      • “You’d make a damn good editor, Larry. Great catch! “
        I get this a lot in my conversations with people on line who come across as arrogant and who I know are incapable of such eloquence and depth of knowledge


      • By all means, I will try to comply Sir.

        I am glad that the substance of the words and ideas are OK.

        Wow, this is the first time since early 2000 I’ve seen the “greater fool theory” espoused without irony. B. Riley II 2014


      • It happens in CIA Black Sites all the time. Are you suggesting the UN or the Europeans invade the United States and get rid of our government?


  1. Actually, science intensifies man’s awe of God Almighty, Creator of Earth and the heavens.

    On December 24, 1968, all three American Astronauts aboard Apollo 8 read from the book of Genesis to all of mankind:

    “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”


  2. ‘….life, like a weed, is pounding at the door wherever we look.’

    How true, and how freaking cool! Glad you re-posted this, John. And yep, if does seem like a comet-y post kinda day. 😉


  3. Maybe we should ask for “equal time” in the pulpits to bring the religious the “good news.” That they no longer need to feel threatened by gods who demand worship … or else. Yahweh, the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, and always in need of money god will no longer have his hands in your pocketbook. Rise up, walk out, and be free!

    Hallelujah, brothers and sisters!


  4. Life pounding at the door? Alas, not so simple. Work from Urey-Miller to space spectroscopy, including this capsule, confirms that the basic building blocks of life as we know it are remarkably easily come by. It’s the organisation that’s the problem, and we can’t invoke natural selection as the answer until we already have a system that can self-replicate including replicating copying errors.

    The problem of life’s origin remains an unsolved problem, one that inspired years of my own research career, and that of far more important figures such as Jack Szostak, chemistry Nobel Laureate. We do science a disservice if we pretend that we have solved it, just as those who think God is an explanation do all science a disservice, by pretending we have answers when all we have, so far, are questions.


    • You’re right, of course, but I was taking a little creative liberty. If the blocks are there then we can say the potential for life is most certainly not limited to earth. From what I understood we (meaning professionals like yourself) are though getting closer to replicating the organisation. Here’s how I worded it last year in a post:

      in 2009, Dr. Gerald Joyce of the Scripps Research Institute and his graduate student, Tracey Lincoln, pretty much nailed primitive ‘life’ – a progenitor of life if you like – when they developed a molecule composed of nothing but RNA enzymes in a test tube that replicated and evolved, swapping genes for just as long as the conditions were right to do so. Doing what molecules do it Xeroxed itself by using its own basic structure as a scaffolding from which to build new copies from pairs of smaller molecules. Incredibly, when incorrect copies were made mutations arose and the molecule quite happily passed on those changes to the proceeding generation, and so it slowly evolved. Although not technically speaking ‘life’ Joyce and Lincoln’s work was an astonishing in-road into a beautiful albeit strikingly simple process first teased-free by Darwin five generations ago.

      Also in 2009 John Sutherland of the University of Manchester went even further when he successfully cooked up two of the four ribonucleotides found in both RNA and DNA molecules and by doing so created the first stirrings of life on earth. Unlike other researchers before him, Sutherland and his team did not jump right into sugars and nucleobases rather they started first with a host of simpler molecules most likely around in earth’s primordial goo. They diluted the molecules in water, heated the solution, and then allowed it to evaporate so as to replicate sequential changes in conditions which was then irradiated with ultraviolet light; a process which left behind hybrid half-sugar, half-nucleobase molecules. To this residue they again added water, heated it, allowed it evaporate, irradiated it, and repeated the process over and over. Remarkably, with each passing phase the molecules became more and more complex and when phosphates were added in the very last stage Sutherland found himself staring at two ribonucleotides; half a naturally built RNA molecule.

      “My ultimate goal,” said Sutherland, “is to get a living system (RNA) emerging from a one-pot experiment. We can pull this off. We just need to know what the constraints on the conditions are first.”

      Even more recently and perhaps even more remarkably researchers led by Phil Holliger at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge announcedin early months of 2012 they’d successfully made the first synthetic RNA and DNA molecules which they called, XNA: xeno-nucleic acids. They achieved this mind-jarringly colossal leap in constructing artificial life by building synthetic versions of RNA and DNA’s nucleobase ladder rungs. By synthesizing enzymes (what they’ve called, polymerases) they could then bind the XNA molecules to DNA or reverse the process back to a single RNA strand; passing genetic information between the natural and synthetic molecules at will, leading MRC scientist, Victor Pinheiro, to observe “Thus heredity and evolution, two hallmarks of life, are not limited to DNA and RNA.”


  5. If it’s an oldie then it’s still a goody. Goodie. Goddie. Oh gods … so, you heathen lout, you’d have us worshipping wee bags of once-was-in-space nuts and bolts now?
    Couldn’t hurt—add it to the list and start tithing, you’ll make a bundle.

    Get enough devout devotees and you too can start a war over the name of the Most Merciful and Compassionate …


  6. Eight thousand million Earth-like planets in our very own personal galaxy (recently).

    Tens of billions of Earth-like planets in our very own personal galaxy (even more recently). Dammit, shake and toss enough dice long enough and you too will throw the winning Lotto numbers for next week …


  7. Oh my, another miracle of science, revealing yet another wonder of the natural world.

    But what about the maxim that religion and science can coexist?

    (I hear relgionists say that all the time…)


  8. They clearly can in some people’s minds. As to how, that’s mercifully not my problem but I’m happy to leave them to it. FWIW, IMO the god of evolution theology is much less of an ogre that one who allows suffering for no purpose, or in order to fulfill a fictional Curse. But, as I said, not my problem, and I will welcome someone like Ken miller as an ally defending science. despite his having other beliefs that I consider delusional, just as I might ally with some noted skeptics in their critique of religion despite their professing a libertarianism that I consider delusional.


  9. @Bobbi
    ”Some of Gods character traits are justice, goodness, and holiness.”

    …and other character traits include, a giant ego, unresolved megalomaniacal tendencies, sexual frustration, voyeurism, simple ‘playground bullying’, telling lies, deceit, rape and impregnation ( ask Mary)
    Ah…’tis such a long list.


      • You would think so. Eternity, inescapable endlessness where every possible event and arrangement of everything and anything will happen not only once but an eternity of times is, to me, the living definition of hell.


  10. Another excellent post, John.

    One nit: I doubt that Stardust damaged any Gods. After all, the Gods exist only between the ears of believers, and that’s a dark place that’s difficult to penetrate.

    Keep ’em coming. I always look forward to your next post.


  11. @ Bobbie Jr.
    I thought you believe the Bible is fiction Ark?

    Lol…most of it is fiction, as well you know also, I suspect, but if you are going to quote how wonderful your make-believe god is I thought it best to offer some balance and show what a right bastard he is too.
    There might be a few impressionable folk out there who may stumble upon John’s blog and see your comment and think., wow! Yahweh is the Real Deal, when in actual fact he is the Number One Plonker in all of history.

    So, Fair’s fair, right?


    • Fair is fair Ark, and I highly doubt any impressionable person (uncertain in their beliefs) will ever be swayed by 99% of anything your elk writes. However, if I am steadfast in my determination to not take myself down to your level I may get just one person to consider searching for spiritual truth.

      I will admit there is some awesomeness and intelligent insight into some of John’s essays but for me the brilliance gets lost at the expense of others feelings. The, ‘I don’t give a shit about your god, fuck off and die attitude doesn’t solve our problems.’

      I think too, that most of the Bible very well might be fiction, but how much? In my opinion it is unlikely that it is 100% fiction since some things, not all, are backed by the historical record.

      Anthropologists will tell you that a myth is often the faded memory of a real event. Details may have been added, lost, or obscured in the telling, retelling, and finally writing, but the kernel of truth remains. When two separate cultures have the same “myth” in their body of folklore, their ancestors must have either experienced the same event, or they both descended from a common ancestral source which itself experienced the event.

      But, of course, this is not the view of most modern scholars. They prefer to believe that something in our commonly evolved psyche forces each culture to invent the same, or very similar, imaginary legends with no basis in real history.

      Jerry Bergman wrote a short essay about the fact that almost every culture has a creation myth. On Biblical creation presuppositions, they are all basically variations of the core theme of the God-given creation account found in Genesis. It contains short arguments from both sides of the aisle. You may enjoy reading it.


      • “I think too, that most of the Bible very well might be fiction, but how much? In my opinion it is unlikely that it is 100% fiction since some things, not all, are backed by the historical record.”

        But then what do you say to the people who swear the Bible is the inerrant word of God? And if it’s not then where do you get your authority to claim what you do and behave in a manner that this authority allegedly gives you?


      • First, what I meant, in what you quoted me saying, was that I believe some things might have been added or embellished. Note what I said later in the comment, “Anthropologists will tell you that a myth is often the faded memory of a real event. Details may have been added, lost, or obscured in the telling, retelling, and finally writing, but the kernel of truth remains.”

        But then what do you say to the people who swear the Bible is the inerrant word of God?

        Swear? How about people who affirm, or believe/have faith the Bible is the inerrant word of God? I say I love you, just like you Larry, they are my brothers and sisters. It’s our Bible too, you just don’t believe any of it yet.

        …where do you get your authority to claim what you do? I can think and reason for one. Secondly, as a believer I have been given the authority to speak and cause things to happen.

        …and behave in a manner that this authority allegedly gives you? I hope I don’t come across as condescending or arrogant, I really don’t. If I do/did please forgive me. Sometimes my humor may be misconstrued as such though. I’m only human and I did come on a little strong to quiet that anvil head banger guy throwing the word Satan around.

        Until tomorrow…


      • Fair is fair Ark, and I highly doubt any impressionable person (uncertain in their beliefs) will ever be swayed by 99% of anything your elk writes.

        Actually, I don’t have an elk, and if I did, and it was able to write I wouldn’t likely be arguing drivel with a inculcated Christian.

        The, ‘I don’t give a shit about your god, fuck off and die attitude doesn’t solve our problems.’
        As opposed to what the religious say: ” I don’t give a shit about any other god but mine and you are going to hell for eternity when you die, because you are a sinner.”, which solves ALL the problems.
        Yes, one can plainly see how this is so much more moral.
        For Chrisake, there’s nothing like a sanctimonious Christian, right? God is always on your side, yes?
        which god Bobbi, which god?

        As for what is fact or fiction in the bible.
        Well,I can be fairly certain that the name of the publisher in my KJV is fact, and any claim that your man-god, Jesus of Nazareth was divine/the creator of the universe is an absolute crock of shit.

        What falls in between, I could really not care less.


      • Spoken like a true gentleman Ark. Not. You are right that some ultra religious are intolerant, but no sane person throws out the baby with the dirty bathwater.

        I can see why you might be against religion and the religious fanatics, but why do you reject the whole idea of a higher power, a outside super-consciousness, source energy, Brahman, God, or whatever you want to call it. You have no evidence of your proclamation.

        You obviously have some personal issues to work out judging from your comments and I can feel your pain through your words. Maybe I can help you.

        I’ve learned that being “awake” and being conscious go beyond walking around with our eyes open as we engage in physical activities that we perform each day. The quality of your consciousness is what determines every aspect of your life and you choose to direct and harmonize yours with what you truly desire.

        Consciousness is your mind’s awareness of itself and of the world around you. Expanding your consciousness can help you feel at peace and unified, or at “one” with everything around you, including other peace-loving folk who have different spiritual beliefs, even if they are peaceful fanatics.

        If you dare to explore how your mind works you may find the root of your problems. Study what is to be human; The conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the collective consciousness, and the super-conscious mind.

        And finally, know that ALL sane rational peaceful humans crave the same things. After food and shelter we long to be loved, feel safe, belong and matter.


      • Wrong as usual. Maybe you should do some study into the difference between the brain. Brain, consciousness and mind, it is awesome and there is a lot your scientist do not know. I will give you a hint to the profound. The correlation relates to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

        I will tell you one thing all scientist agree on…for every one thing they are sure of there are three they have no answers for.


  12. So I don’t suppose, John, you would want to worship Donald Brownlee then? Didn’t think so. Haha! I saw a video of him when they were all waiting for it’s signal that it had landed safely. He was a basket case. I think he thinks it’s the greatest achievement of his scientific career. Hard to argue with that.


  13. can see why you might be against religion and the religious fanatics, but why do you reject the whole idea of a higher power, a outside super-consciousness, source energy, Brahman, God, or whatever you want to call it. You have no evidence of your proclamation.

    Correct, I have no evidence there is no creator god, and never said I had. My worldview is not based on such arrogant certainty. However, I can say with enough conviction that the evidence presented for any god so far is so weak it can be dismissed out of hand, and most certainly the Abrahamic god you genuflect to.

    You obviously have some personal issues to work out judging from your comments and I can feel your pain through your words. Maybe I can help you.

    Oh,yes, plenty of ‘personal issues” Care for a list?
    Not least of which the Paper boy hasn’t pitched up yet.

    You want to help? How sweet.
    Pull your bottom lip up over your head and swallow.


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