The Fuckening

The Fuckening

2041 was a fun year.

In March, Fancy Kevin Steeride surprised his own shadow; twice. In June, Norway set out to remedy a litany of humourless stereotypes and reinvaded Northumbria with three-hundred longships filled with giant Norsemen dressed as clowns… and unintentionally killed hundreds of British holidaymakers before anyone even saw the first plastic battle axe. In August, Canada tried to be rude, but only succeeded in blinking impolitely for a moment or two. And at a dinner party in December, eleven of the richest individuals to have ever lived decided over wine, weed, shrooms, acid blotters, and a mountain of cocaine to pool their resources, and under the name of the Witan, buy space; which they did at around eleven AM the very next day.

Eight-hundred years later, when this particular story begins, this has all worked out surprisingly well.

Click on cover image to go to Amazon (U.S.)

Hi all! Apologies for being absent for so loooong — I’ve been wandering, counting fireflies, welcoming some new dogs and cats, sadly burying some old dogs and cats, and slowly penning this little, thoroughly silly science fiction comedy: The Fuckening.

Grab it (click on cover to go to Amazon). Read it. Write a review if you feel so inclined.

Yes, there will be a quiz at the end of the class.

54 thoughts on “The Fuckening

  1. He’s alive! Praise be!
    “click on cover to go to Amazon”? – I only see your Infernal Names and Problem of Evil covers – but I’m very smart, so I did find my way there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I want a hard copy and Amazon don’t do South Africa and I wouldn’t trust our postal service even if they announced they had employed Superman to fly here.
    There is a good chance I will be in England in early ’24 so could I get a copy of I ordered while I’m at my folks or even at my sister’s spot in France?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t even get one here in Brazil! And it sounds like your postal syatem is as good and trustworthy as ours.

      You’re heading to the Great Isle? Is everything okay with your folks?


      • It will be Dad’s 90th in May
        Celeste and I are going over, spend a week and then pop over to France to see my sister and then go down to Portugal.
        Maybe I can get my sister to order a copy and get it when I go over?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Both cat’s are still separated from the main Clowder, but they get regular visits which, depending on which cat is the visitor, results in a hiss or two a show of indifference and sleeping on one of the sofas, to full blown fur- flying feline warfare. ( This is usually Maui or Sadio).
        Ems is very patient and takes Moo and Mitzy out to the garden every evening for 30 minutes.
        (Remember, when they lived next door they never saw the outside of the house!)
        We don’t know if they will ever truly integrate so we just play it by ear.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. The only way JZ could have defined “fuckening” is if he has been looking over my shoulder since I was 13!

    I turned around and looked, but I didn’t see him.

    Sly bastard 😉

    I put new u-joints in my truck driveshaft acouple days ago. Got the driveshaft in, and there’s vibration. Because, of course there is! I took it back out, checked everything over, reinstalled, still vibrates, because of course it does!

    Have the driveshaft in the car trunk (thank jeebus for rear fold down seats,) and I’m on my way to have a driveshaft tech look at it. Because nothing can ever be so simple as to just work!

    Fuckening indeed. I so look forward to what fucks are incoming tomorrow!

    May all of your fucks, be good ones 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Atheists and Christians alike, can relate to the Fuckening. In fact, the entire Old Testament would have been called, The Old Fuckening, except the Hebrews have no word for “fuckening.”

    And for Christians, what was the Passion of the Christ but the greatest Fuckening in human history.

    Liked by 1 person

    • About your new book.

      What I’ve read free makes absolutely no sense and a waste of time and I suspect that’s your point. That is, to see how many of the blind actually pay cash for your waste of time. You survived your blood disorder and found a love for marijuana and in a drug induced fog, wrote another masterpiece.

      I care for you because we share a love for dogs. I got a few, rescued a few myself. Your a dude, I’m a dude, I care and you CARE. We have a ton in common; age, upbringing, nationality, abuse, fight and punctuation.

      You got words and I got words.

      If you want to write a fiction book maybe craft something about your life, your upbringing, how you broke away from the Christian faith because of whatever it was. Craft a story taking your real life hurt and how you abandoned what you were taught by Mother. How “evil” took a little boy and made him hate his Mothers Creator. Use simple words we can easily understand. Short paragraphs that are simple and to the point. Give us JZ in a fictional setting but his real story. I want tears…That would actually be worth $17+ plus shipping.


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