Sketches on Atheism

You are here. This is not a dream

In 1987 the mutual fund billionaire, Sir John Templeton, made US$1.1 billion available to finance what was, and still is for all intentional purposes, a search to locate and confirm the existence of god. In the twenty-five years since the funds were released and grants began to be awarded (including the annual £1,100,000 Templeton Prize for … Continue reading

Sketches on Atheism

Can we please have a logical, rational, cosmologically sound conversation about death without all the magical bugaboos?

It’s coming to us all, there’s no avoiding it, and for far too long religion has occupied the high ground in any conversation concerning it. It’s death, and the balance of power swirling around this rather thorny subject has to shift back – radically back – to the rational and real. Now, let’s face it, … Continue reading