
95 thoughts on “Frequency of supernatural events

  1. That made me laugh loudly, but then the evil spirit of the dark sprite PeW entered my head and started tempting me with logic and evidence and I’m left wondering if it makes sense. Are many people attempting to claim supernatural events with photo-shopped snaps as proof?


  2. People were faking photos before photoshop, and people were probably quicker to believe them, since they didn’t know how easy it was to do it. Now with photoshop, you can’t use photo evidence for anything, cuz everyone’s too skeptical.


    • Oh, don’t be a stick in the mud, Logan. Yes, the Cottingley Fairies were faked, and even the Shroud of Turin is a medieval forgery using photographic tech, but that doesn’t get a giggle.


      • Sorry it’s still early here and I haven’t had my coffee. Besides if I really wanted to be a stickler, I’d say ur scale is a little off, since the time between the invention of the camera and photoshop was roughly what 100 years? and it looks like you’ve got two more increments of that measure after photoshop đŸ™‚

        Plus I’d wanna know what that big dip is around 1500


      • Who was there? Nobody.

        Supernatural is presented as an explanation to any matter, that we really can not explain. It is a made up fictional explanation. That is the root of all supernatural.

        As our understanding about the reality grows, things previously explained as supernatural turn out to be natural, or fiction, or a combination of these two. But never has anything previously thought to be perfectly natural, turned out to be infact supernatural. Funny, how that only works one way…

        Perhaps, there is a source for a meme in the traffic on that one way street. What do you say John?


      • That will take some research but it’d make a brilliant meme. You really shouldn’t be encouraging me, though, to do more memes. They encourage laziness in writing đŸ˜¦


      • When the news of the earliest airships were being circulated people saw them in the sky in different places. They heard voices of the captain giving instructions to the crew, sounds of an anchor being lowered from the air etc.
        Around the time of the World Wars, in the close encounters, the aliens were from Mars, Venus, or other planets within our system. ( or sometimes from under the oceans ie Atlantis)
        When science proved that life the other planets of our solar system is unlikely , then they started coming from other galaxies.
        So yes UFO sightings are also evolving.


      • Precisely! The design of the ships has changed somewhat predictably, too. Everyone seems certain what was once shiny metallic saucers are now giant black triangles.


    • Oh, Fauns, Imps, Chimaera’s, Nymphs, Elves, Rocs, Griffins, Kelpies, Brownies, sprites, Harpies, Valkyries, Mermen, Pixies, Wraiths, Goblins, Jotuns, Basilisks, Changelings, Djinns and all other enchanted creatures are real… It’s just all those religious one’s that are bogus đŸ˜‰


  3. All religious faiths have included historical accounts of supernatural events or beings. In very early history these were passed down as an oral tradition with no expectation of contemporaneous verification.

    The description of human actions is a much harder task to verify. All of us have observed the discrepancies which arise when several people relate events that we have personally observed. With eye witness accounts in the past there are even greater problems since there is usually no account of how soon and by whom the written record was created. For events of a religious or supernatural nature there is also the question of whether the event described is meant to be taken literally or as a parable or lesson.

    To illustrate the difficulty in validating such writings the following example is offered. Since it involves a well-known person, only references to the abilities and events are noted. It is assumed that the reader can remember or easily refer to the underlying material, if necessary.

    Proof of the Existence of Santa Claus

    Santa Claus is the only supernatural being whose existence has been verified in modern times. This is a short summary of the available evidence.

    Saint Nicholas was a real person who was probably born around the year 280 in Turkey. He thus has a long appearance in European history.

    His current manifestation has been fully documented in the seminal document “Twas the Night Before Christmas”. This is an eye witness account which appeared in 1822 in a Troy, NY newspaper.

    Subsequent skepticism has been fully debunked by a prominent impartial reporter in Francis P. Church’s editorial, “Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus”. This appeared in the New York Sun in 1897.

    Most children are told of Santa Claus and his supernatural powers by their parents at a very young age. Something this important would not be taught to impressionable children, by the most important influences in their life, if it wasn’t true.

    Santa Claus must be supernatural since he is able to deliver toys to millions of people simultaneously. Even in those cases where parents claim to have delivered the gifts, it is obvious that they are just acting as Santa Claus’s agent. He has determined what they will purchase and deliver. This leads them to believe they are making the gift, but they are deluded.

    I, and many others, have personally seen Santa Claus on many occasions in shopping malls and other locations. Only a supernatural being could appear in so many locations during the Christmas season. Those who claim they are Santa’s “helpers” are just trying to mislead us.

    Imploring Santa Claus for special consideration is considered a necessary act if appropriate gifts are to be received.

    Ethical rules are attributed to Santa Claus:

    “He knows if you’ve been bad or good,
    So be good for goodness sake!”

    Rewards are thus based upon ethical behavior.

    Images and works of art depicting Santa Claus appear frequently. If he were not a true supernatural being society would not expend so much time and effort on this personage.

    We see that Santa Claus meets all the criteria commonly applied to written, historical accounts for supernatural beings. The underlying issues of the reliability of the eye witnesses is crux of the issue. Much ink is spilled in discussions of the validity of the eye witness accounts, but there is almost no way to validate the reliability of the persons reporting the events. The best that can be done is an appeal to likelihood that the person would have a reason to misreport events. Unfortunately, in most cases the reporter has a great deal to gain from being believed and thus the impartiality can never be relied on.

    The tests used above are summarized in the table below. As can be seen Santa Claus meets all the criteria and thus cannot be distinguished from more popular supernatural personages. Try applying the tests given for your choice of supernatural personage.

    The conclusion that must be reached is that historical eye witness accounts of supernatural people or events do not meet the standard for scientific validation. They do not conform to generally expected behaviors in the observed world, they are not independently verifiable, and they are not reproducible.


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