Sketches on Atheism

Christian Taliban

Gary-NorthDon’t let the seemingly harmless grandfatherly appearance of this man fool you. Gary North is not someone you want anywhere near your enemies, let alone your family. North publishes Christian Reconstructionist and homeschooling books, is the founder of the Institute for Christian Economics, is an adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, is presently writing an education curriculum for Congressman Ron Paul, owns Dominion Educational Ministries Inc. (which operates day care centers), and believes children should be put to death by stoning in public squares for cursing their parents.

“When people [children] curse their parents, it unquestionably is a capital crime. The son or daughter is under the lawful jurisdiction of the family. The integrity of the family must be maintained by the threat of death.          

Gary North is a face of the American Taliban; a leading member of the Christian Reconstructionists; a Dominionism (or Dominion Theology) movement which advocates nothing short of supplanting secular western governments with “Biblical theocratic republics in which every area of life is redeemed and placed under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the rule of God’s law” (David Barton, Reconstructionist theologian). Or as Gary North put it:

“The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church’s public marks of the covenant–baptism and Holy Communion–must be denied citizenship.”

In North’s mind pluralism is heresy and zero tolerance should be afforded to gays, blasphemers, atheists, agnostics, secularists, apostates, adulterers, unchaste women, and just about everyone else who isn’t a homeschooled Reconstructionist; all of whom North believes should be put to death, and always, he insists, by way of public stoning, as detailed in chapter 6 of his book, The Sinai Strategy: Economics and the Ten Commandments

“Why stoning? There are many reasons. First, the implements of execution are available to everyone at virtually no cost. Second, no one blow can be traced to any person. In other words, no one citizen can regard himself as “the executioner,” the sole cause of another man’s death. Psychologically, this is important; it relieves potential guilt problems in the mind of a sensitive person. Those who abstain from the “dirty business” of enforcing God’s law have a tendency to elevate their behavior as being more moral than the executioner’s, where in point of fact such abstention is itself immoral. Executions are community projects–not with spectators who watch a professional executioner do `his’ duty, but rather with actual participants.”

According to Gary North western civilization’s rejection of public stoning is the product of “God-hating humanistic concepts of justice” which have replaced “the infallible Old Testament;” progressive ideas, he says, that have redefined religiously inspired mob violence as somehow “sinister.”

” That modern Christians never consider the possibility of the re-introduction of stoning for capital crimes indicates how thoroughly humanistic concepts of punishment have influenced the thinking of Christians. If humanistic concepts of punishment have persuaded Christians that there was something sinister about the Old Testament’s specified mode of execution, then we should not be surprised to discover that humanistic concepts of justice, including economic justice, have also become influential in the thinking of Christians. Christians have voluntarily transferred their allegiance from the infallible Old Testament to contemporary God-hating and God-denying criminologists and economists.”

 I could go on and fill the next ten pages with psychotic, unbalanced quotes from this man and his deranged Dominionism brethren, but I won’t. Gary North is a mentally sick, emotionally diseased human being and simply isn’t worth the time of day. I will, however, say this: if there is to be any public stoning it should probably start with the hypocrite Gary North himself as the computer into which he writes his demented thoughts was invented by a gay atheist (Alan Turing), runs software inspired by either Bill Gates (atheist) or Steve Jobs (atheist), and is powered by electrical generation and transmission technologies set forth by Nikola Tesla (atheist) and Thomas Edison (apostate/deist)… all soiled men deserving of public execution in the eyes of this Christian lunatic.

177 thoughts on “Christian Taliban

    • Oh, he has a following, including Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Ron Paul (of course). These nutters are huge. They now count all Pentecostals and charismatic Christians, as well as many Baptists churches. He’s the sick puppy writing homeschooling books….. Yes, Physics & Whisky is a child of this fucker.


      • PeW was homeschooled, a fundamentalist who no doubt read this guys books…. it’s the curriculum. He says he’s left that behind, but is still desperately trying to cling onto Christianity.


    • This is even scarier: “ideas of the Reconstructionists have penetrated into Protestant circles that for the most part are unaware of the original source of the theological ideas that are beginning to transform them.” (Gary North).


  1. As the blue nun that entered the private choir session said: “What the holy fuck is all this about?!”
    …..ooh…incoming! Seems to be the theme of the week, stone-throwing. I love getting stoned.


  2. I’d like to know how Mr. North would feel if someone stoved his grandchild’s head in with a large rock for being related to a complete psychopath. Mind you psychopaths have shaped our history have they not, and brought us scientific reasoning in an aim to exert power. Thing is, once you give birth to a demon, it doesn’t mean that it will grow up to be demonic. Sometimes splinters grow up to be beautiful useful trees. Although I can’t imagine that anything good will ever come of this particular nut-job’s line of enquiry.


    • I tried to find out if he had children or not but couldn’t. If he does i pity those poor bastards for the hell they must live inside. Now, imagine the day care centers this fuck-knuckle operates…

      “Sometimes splinters grow up to be beautiful useful trees.” I like that!


      • Unfortunately this man is one of a giant-sized skip load of “fuck-knuckles” that exist in our world who are doing their fucking damnedest to ruin everybody else’s moment. It’s enough to make you want to run for the hills and hide sometimes. However, it’s bastards like this that often give people the ammunition and a reason to fight back. We wouldn’t have anything that even vaguely resembles equal rights here in the west if it were not for miscreants like him. It takes two to tango in any war. I shall fashion my tree into a bat and see if he’s game!


      • Sometimes, it’s exactly what needs to happen, even if the act of defence is seen as irrational. But what do you have when simply talking doesn’t work? Diplomacy, only ever seems to come after the violent backlash. Funny that… No war was ever won by talking about it. I don’t like to condone violence, but I have eyes within my head to observe what happens when A bashes B over the head with a big sharp stick, B either drops like a sack of shit to the ground and bleeds out, or they say “ouch WTF did you do that for?”, and when A responds with further heavy blows, B will defend themselves as an instinctive response to threat – generally implying that B will match force with force.


      • That’s another one to add to my growing list of comparisons, so far only male creative geniuses, but it’s better than nothing I suppose, despite the slightly dubious undertones of each character. Although in appearances I couldn’t be further from Churchill if I tried, he definitely had bigger boobs than I have! ;D


  3. Your last paragraph says to exclusionist Christians “Exclude this!” Brilliant! If he had any integrity the man would not be wearing a polyester suit, either. Natural fibers, not mixed (stirred?) is the Christian recipe.


    • Oh, we could write a ten-thousand word essay on the fallacy and contradictions of his “biblical law” but Mr. North made me too sick to even contemplate it. It’s truly hard to fathom promoting this type of lunacy, and even harder to understand why other “Christians” haven’t gagged the assclown. Perhaps not so surprisingly, Mike Huckabee apparently thinks Gary is the bees-knees.


    • At least the Amish have some of my respect because they do exclude all that from their personal life – at least until they have to go to a doctor who uses all the modern equipment to treat them.


    • They don’t believe in the Constitution. Read this little gem by North:

      “The stranger in ancient Israel did not serve as a judge, although he received all the benefits of living in the land. The political question is this: By what biblical standard is the pagan to be granted the right to bring political sanctions against God’s people? We recognize that unbelievers are not to vote in Church elections. Why should they be allowed to vote in civil elections in a covenanted Christian nation? Which judicial standards will they impose? By what other standard than the Bible?”
      – Gary North of Institute For Christian Economics


  4. Mental asylums are missing some of its erstwhile members. There is nowhere other than a madhouse that North is supposed to belong to. The society ought to protect itself from such people


    • I couldn’t agree with you more… and yet this man writes books and curriculum’s for children. For Ron Paul he holds the title: Director of Curriculum Development.


      • The upside of this, if they stone themselves enough maybe the world will find them so insane they will inbreed to their demise and the world shall be better for it


  5. “Why stoning? There are many reasons. First, the implements of execution are available to everyone at virtually no cost. Second, no one blow can be traced to any person. In other words, no one citizen can regard himself as “the executioner,” the sole cause of another man’s death. Psychologically, this is important; it relieves potential guilt problems in the mind of a sensitive person.”
    What a shitbag. Only someone with no guilt or sensitivity could write this – total sociopath.


    • Did you notice the economist in him coming out? He is admitting there would be an awful lot of killing and that could be very, very, very expensive… but not if you employ stones and free (willing) labor. The man is deranged.


      • Well, that’s the really odd part… they are Christian. They in fact think they’re more Christian than all other Christians. Their basic tenant is that the New Testament does not trump the Old, and therefore the Old stands as the Laws by which society should be governed.


      • I’ve never liked this interpretation of Jesus. Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild* stole concepts from Greek theology and really emphasized the Follow Me Or Burn side of things. And I would hardly say the real founder of Christianity, Paul, was a meek and kindly man. Christianity is violent and oppressive at its core. The very core concept of a psychopathic creator god killing himself/his own son is flawed.

        * Assuming that there was a Jesus and he said this. Which are huge assumptions.


  6. Wow! This guy really is scary.

    “Second, no one blow can be traced to any person. In other words, no one citizen can regard himself as “the executioner,” the sole cause of another man’s death.”

    But not completely compassion-less eh? 😉


  7. Frightening man. Here’s something I found on the old Geezer that might entertain you:
    I particularly like the reference he makes to Obama, “Barack Obama is George W. Bush in blackface. Obama is the star of a twenty-first century minstrel show.”
    It’s a lengthy piece, but there are a few eye-twizzling gems in there.
    He comes across as being so reasonable!


    • I did debate whether i should call him mentally ill or not. He’s certainly not normal, and the real fear is that he’s of sound mind and has actually thought this insanity through. That would, indeed, make him evil in the truest sense of the world.


  8. I wonder whether in those quotes you omitted, does Mr. North praise the public stoning for giving the mob extra physical exercise and creating a sense of community?


  9. I thought I was reading the Onion or some other other satirical piece. Not so much. This is unspeakably horrifying. I’d like some stats on how many prescribe to this perverse and vile school of thought.


    • I’d imagine the numbers are small, but according to North himself they’re inside Pentecostal and charismatic Christian churches, as well as many Baptists churches.

      Just checked and there are apparently 2 million kids presently being homeschooled in the US. I doubt all 2 million are exposed to North and his publications but given their fundamentalist leanings many would certainly be on the bandwagon.

      Here’s how North put it: “Individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds and ecclesiastical communions are influenced by and committed to these ideals, from conservative Roman Catholics to Episcopalians to Presbyterians to Pentecostals, Arminian and Calvinist, charismatic and non-charismatic, high Church and low Church traditions are all represented in the broader umbrella of Reconstructionism, (often in the form of the ‘Christian America’ movement).”


  10. Radicals of any and all religions are dangerous. I cannot believe this radical has any influence over anyone. But then with the current state of affairs in the world I guess it is understandable.


    • I guess Gary and his ilk are pure human beings 😦

      If there is one thing fundamentalists have proven exceptional at it’s not keeping to a logical, rational life path.


  11. This man should be investigated by the police. It is like reading a manifesto by a Manson groupie or a new Nazi type cult.
    But what is truly worrying is he invokes his god. What is disgusting is he is on record yet nothing has been done about him and from what I gather from your article there has been little if anything done by other christians.


    • You know Americans… they scream 1st Amendment. As long as he hasn’t actually stoned anyone to death he hasn’t broken any laws, just common decency. Still, threatening someone with death, a child no less, should be cause to have him removed from any contact with other human beings.


    • Hypocrisy seems to go hand-in-hand with fundamentalists, doesn’t it? It’s a strange phenomena, but they don’t seem capable of seeing it. That said, i have to admit i don’t want to see him stoned either… nothing could be so barbarous. Perhaps a spot on Macquarie Island might be in order, though 🙂


  12. I have so wanted to link to this in the, erm… ongoing “discussion” on my own blog, as a working example. Somehow, I didn’t think you’d thank me for sicking (siccing? present tense of “to sic”) Diana on your comment thread, though.


  13. Gary North is both Beelzebub and one of my great heroes.

    How so? Given that he is (in my opinion) undeniably a foaming-at-the-mouth Christian fundamentalist fruitcake … he also—

    —has a very astute grasp on the concepts of money, economics, and genuine-wealth based prosperity. To dismiss what he says in one field because he’s certifiable in another is to limit one’s options a wee bit and counterproductive. Hell, even Hitler liked dogs …


      • I’m a ‘precious metals’ nut meself.

        If we were to go gold it would certainly revalue a few holdings; fiat currencies are a despicable short-term con game. Sadly for us, the top is slowed too much to keep spinning and is on the verge of toppling.

        We need real money that politicians cannot fiddle with — I’m open to suggestion~?


    • There is evidence China is working to back its currency with gold. If one country – such as China – switches to a gold-backed currency, the dollar will be toast: All it will take for the world to realize that U.S. dollars are nothing more than hot potatoes is for one country to introduce a gold-backed currency.

      Recently, Steve Forbes predicted that the US return to a gold standard is likely “in the next five years.” A recent story said, “Such a move would help to stabilize the value of the dollar, restore confidence among foreign investors in U.S. government bonds, and discourage reckless federal spending.”

      The US needs to stay the worlds currency and China wants to take it’s place on top. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. My guy says keep buying gold and gold stocks and to look for it to hit $7,000 an ounce, and most likely much higher.


      • Hi Roy

        OK, what “evidence”? You can’t just go and make wild Glenn Beck-type accusations and expect people to take you seriously. As for Steve Forbes: he’s an idiot and no one takes him seriously.

        Speaking of Glenn Beck, he’s a big gold guy, too, isn’t he? I’m sure Glenn Beck can’t be wrong….


  14. Especially revealing, this bit: “The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church’s public marks of the covenant–baptism and Holy Communion–must be denied citizenship.”

    “Franchise?” and “control” thereof? Ye gods … oh no, I’ve found my counter-ego. It will have to be a duel then.
    But at least the nutter is an honest nutter—now, if we can just get him to sit down with a few like-minded Islamics and discuss the name of God over a cup of tea and bikkies …


    • He’s not exactly honest…. I linked to his book, the un-edited version which is lurking out there in the web. He has since removed a lot of the stoning bits after people started calling him an insane lunatic.


      • I’ve corresponded with him a few times in the past without realising … more the fool me.

        * Bites tail in remorse *


      • Via the ‘write to author’ links on some of his posts. A man of few words two-way (too many in raving, in seems).

        I’ll have to pop over and see where he’s at. A good speaker, I must admit.


      • Ya want me to go bite him?

        Maybe I should set fire to his jocks … in the name of Veles I could biff pebbles at him … get a magpie to pull his nose-hairs out one by one … hey, don’t stop me now, this is fun! I could set up a franchise, wanna join?


  15. I’ve listened to some of North’s podcasts on economics; and always found Ron Paul likewise to make sound sense.

    I had no idea that either was such an insane nutcase (face it, in America who would ever spot the difference?) of a Christian fanatic. More the fool me.


    • Sweet! He’s been at it for a while, though. What drew my attention to him most recently was being appointed Curriculum Director for Ron Paul. This man should not be near children, or anyone’s education. Period.


  16. Ron Paul, what an anachronistic character! In many ways he speaks to what America was founded on (believe it or not John), but in so many other ways he’s a wacko from Texas. Except he’s not from Texas. He actually is lucid and logical in many ways, going back to his Pittsuburgh & New England upbringing & German parentage. But associating with this type of garbage will be permanently damaging to his political aspirations. He got sidetracked somewhere along the way is my theory.


    • You’re right, he does speak to many of the foundation ideas, and fine ideas they were. Early American history does fascinate me and the experiment set forth was a good one. The problem with the Paul’s and (modern) Libertarians seems to be their inability to understand that those foundations were laid down when the horse was the fasted mode of communication and we believed the solar system was pretty much the composite of the entire Universe. There is something noble about the Amish (for example) trying to hold onto a simpler way of life, but the United States can’t pretend to be Amish with B-1 bombers sitting in the garage.

      That said, why on earth Paul would permit this man, North, to be his director of curriculum development is beyond me. Then again, with his Newsletters (Dr. Ron Paul’s Freedom Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report, the Ron Paul Investment Letter, and the Ron Paul Political Report) i suppose its not that unbelievable. In many ways they seem to be peas in the same pod.


  17. As I read, I immediately shuddered at the thought of Romney possibility holding Executive Office. North, and others just like him, justify denying religious accommodationism as a moral imperative; no matter how benign it may appear. These spiteful control freaks are willing to spend a lifetime climbing political ladders to obtain positions of power in order to shutdown any type of progress (UNLESS they can make a hefty profit and not pay taxes).


    • The performance of the crazy Christian right wing in this last election was worrying. The willful display of insanity (and ignorance) was stunning, but it was how they crossed so many ‘red lines’ (church and state) with such disregard for the law of the land that it should scare a lot of people.


  18. John, my friend, it’s good to make humanity aware of the insanity of monsters and dinosaurs like these. Thankfully, they’re dying out. Sadly, they’re destroying lives before they go down. Such a pity hunting season couldn’t be declared…


    • Great article.

      “$390 million each year to lobby the government to impose their religion-based agenda on the rest of us”

      Perhaps someone should remind them:

      “The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history. Although the detail of the formation of the American governments is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or in America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.”
      ~John Adams, “A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America” 1787-1788


  19. Additionally, it is odd that he leans ‘libertarian’ while espousing government control over the execution of children as in this case. It make no sense. The fundie takeover of libertarianism and free-market ideals is an abomination, it is highly oxymoronic. Free-market economies and individualism is highly contradictory to the collectivist parasitic mentality of religion, it is so fascinating that so many so called “Christians” lean in such a direction.


    • oxymoronic is definitely the word! “SMALL GOVERNMENT… but we want to dictate to you how you should behave, and if you don’t follow our commands we’re going to stone you to death, literally.”

      I guess in one respect he is advocating for smaller government by making every citizen perform the executions… for free 😦


  20. ” Stoning, and rule of God’s law ! ” I am really astonished to know that christian fundamentalists use the exact same words used by muslim fundamentalists. It seems like fundamentalists everywhere use the same terminology, but what I can not understand is how possibly could a guy like this find followers in a society that has adopted secularism for a very long time?!


    • He’s a gem, isn’t he? Yep, fundamentalists are the same everywhere; brethren in nonsense.

      Americans are a funny lot. I’ve been all over their country a few times and found them mostly lovely people, but in the south they are deeply superstitious and essentially Christian fundamentalists. Perhaps not so surprisingly, education is not considered highly in the south and this is reflective in their attachment to religion.


  21. I’m relatively new to your site, so I’m a bit late to comment, but holy bleeding mother of christ, is this for real? Cause if it’s satire, it’d be brilliant. If it’s not, well, then…
    God, if you do exist, you may prove your existence by striking down Gary North right this moment. You do that and I promise I will only be gay in weekends from now on…

    This guy makes Pat Robertson look like a friendly abortionist…


  22. The good thing about your posts, John, they don’t get ‘old’.
    I thought I’d pop back to this for another read and you are still attracting new readers.
    That’s a sign of quality writing….or its pouring with rain everywhere and we’ve nothing better to do.

    Seriously, this deserves a follow up.
    An update on what dear Gary is currently up to.


    • Don’t sneeze at the rain, it’ll be dry again before you know it.

      I shouldn’t say it, ordinarily i wouldn’t, but our species (and the world in general) would be a far better place when Gary isn’t around polluting it with his perversion.


  23. Pingback: Just how confident are Yahwehists in the Durability of their Religion? | the superstitious naked ape

  24. Pingback: A Christian Nation | the superstitious naked ape

  25. Pingback: and we’ve found a stoner | violetwisp

  26. Pingback: and we’ve found a stoner | Holly T. Ashley

  27. Pingback: and we've found a stoner | Christians Anonymous

  28. Reblogged this on Scotties Toy Box and commented:
    Wow, Oh wow. Thank you Nan for directing me to this. Thank you John for writing it. This is more important for us to understand today in the US than ever before. Please understand what the evangelicals in our government and courts intend to do. They want a theocracy lead by their version of Christianity. There will be wars among them, and all of us will suffer as they get their way. Hugs


  29. “According to Gary North western civilization’s rejection of public stoning is the product of “God-hating humanistic concepts of justice””
    Probably not what he meant, but I do agree that “justice” is a humanistic concept, not a religious one.
    And if “justice” is a “God-hating humanistic concept”, that’s admitting that his God is evil and that religion is corrupt.


    • Well, he actually directly calls criminologists and economists God-hating, but identifies them as humanists, hence meaning humanists are, as a whole, God-hating. The link to the pdf of his book (The Sinai Strategy: Economics and the Ten Commandments) seems to now be broken. This was 2013, after all). Here’s an active link. Well worth a read, if you have a strong stomach.

      Click to access the_sinai_strategy.pdf

      The passage in question comes from the chapter: In Defense of Stoning (p. 125)

      “That modern Christians never consider the possibility of the reintroduction of stoning for capital crimes indicates how thoroughly humanistic concepts of punishment have influenced the thinking of Christians. If humanistic concepts of punishment have persuaded Christians that there was something sinister about the Old Testament’s specified mode of execution, then we should not be surprised to discover that humanistic concepts of Justice, including economic justice, have also become influential in the thinking of Christians. Christians have voluntarily transferred their allegiance from the infallible Old Testament to contemporary God-hating and God-denying criminologists and economists. They have traded their birthright for a mess of pottage – or, given the nature of modern criminology’s propaganda, for a pot of message.”


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